Russ Ward

Covid Update – MEM Open for Business

Covid Update – The corona-virus is changing the way we are looking at things in the United States and many businesses are struggling to keep their doors open and producing. Local restaurants, and small businesses are especially hard hit.

Thankful at Modular Elevator Manufacturing (MEM) we have not had any issues related to the virus and we are still shipping nationwide, but we feel we should let you know exactly what is going on at this time.

Here is how we are responding:

  1. We are using safe practices including washing hands frequently, cleaning our work areas and tools hourly and maintaining safe distancing on the factory floor.
  2. We are cleaning break areas and staggering breaks to limit person to person contact.
  3. We have not had anyone sick or diagnosed with the corona-virus at this time. It looks like our practices are paying off.
  4. We are complying with all national, state and local requests.
  5. Staying in contact. We need open communication so let us know if you are having any problems on your end that will change scheduling. We will keep you posted if anything changes, however we do not see any delays.

Here is what you need to know about production: 

  1. Production for all of our projects are on schedule! There are no delays in any elevator or hoistway we are producing at this time.
  2. There are no supply-chain issues at all and none anticipated.
  3. We are classified “essential” and so there will be no work stoppage in the future.

More info about future projects: 

  1. Despite the factory being a safe work place out of an abundance of caution some of our staff is working outside of the office in many circumstances. They can still be reached at our normal office phone number 800-755-9359 or sales@modularelevator.com. Feel free to use their personal contact information if you have it.
  2. You can get pricing by calling your sales representative or by clicking here or the button below. Just fill out the form and they will contact you with budget numbers within 24 hours. We know that your projects are going forward and we are going forward as well by providing budget numbers and answering questions about modular elevators.

Hopefully this covid update virus will be over soon and things will get back to normal. Keep in mind we truly appreciate all of our friends in the construction business, suppliers and future customers and we are committed to help you in anyway we can. By keeping an open line of communication we can address any issues quickly and without much inconvenience or pain. Remember we are here to help. Stay safe and germ free!

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  1. Pingback: MEM Doubles Factory - Modular Elevator Manufacturing

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