DSA Approved Modular Elevators
Welcome to the TLShield website the exclusive installer for the DSA Approved MEM Elevator System. We are California’s exclusive distributor for Modular Elevator Manufacturing as our origins are the same. We are sister companies. Owner Tom Shield took the modular concept and perfected it. Now it is ready for your DSA elevator project. We have a Pre-Check (PC) plan for our California Division of the State Architect (DSA) approved elevators.
We have been providing DSA elevators for over 20 years. This makes us the most experienced provider of modular elevators in the state for DSA projects. That experience cannot be overlooked as the DSA is the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for all state projects including schools.
Important for Architects
It is crucial to work with experts in the process so the project architect can save time and money. There will also be fewer headaches because our DSA plans are ready made, reviewed and approved. This means the project architect and DSA does not waste valuable time by looking over work again and again. The plans are as easy as a slip sheet into the drawings. This reduces costs and time in the design and engineering process.
Also, the pre-approved PC works in lieu of a deferred approval. No more waiting for plans and approvals from the DSA or traditional elevator companies. There are no additional design fees, or design delays from the elevator contractor, no rechecks and no extended waiting period. This allows for a quicker ground breaking and a faster completion. When the architect uses the MEM System the project is no longer waiting on the elevator. Often the elevator is in place and waiting for everyone else.
Click the button below for information and consultation regarding our DSA approved PC.
Local Matters
It is also important that we are a California company (LIC. # 605460 – C11 ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR – CQCC LICENSED, DIR# 1000001711). We have first hand knowledge regarding all the various safety, production, procedural and jurisdictional codes and rules. TLShield will never be surprised by requirements of the state and you will never have to make last minute changes or face additional costs.
For instance some out of state businesses can be surprised by needed DSA plant inspections, but we are right here in your own backyard.

Reasons to Consider the MEM Elevator System
It is a given that a modular elevator is better than conventional. They provide a commercial quality elevator installed in record time, with a minimum of disruption.
Also, the MEM Elevator System is the most installed modular elevator and adds ease and simplicity to your project. And TLShield is the premier and largest installer of Modular Elevators in the world and have installed far more than all other companies combined. We have experience you can trust.
But, more than that you should consider the following:
Time – Traditional elevator construction eats valuable time. It takes an inordinate amount of management and resources. With the MEM Elevator System you can greatly reduce the headaches associated with the construction of a conventional elevator. Our drawings slip seamlessly into your plans and you can avoid a deferred approval.
Space – The modular elevator arrives as a completed elevator and hoistway. You do not have to set aside construction site space for tools and crates of parts. All the elevator components are factory installed. It is delivered and ready for start up.
Quality – Because the elevator is produced in a factory, the elevator is constantly inspected in the process of production. All of the design process is complete making everything smoother, easier and higher quality.
Details – We do most of the detail work. In the factory we complete items including: electrical wiring, pit ladders, entrance frames, the machine room, etc. By moving those items to our scope it reduces possible failed inspections that you see with traditional elevators. This speeds the delivery and readiness of the elevator.
Costs – The MEM Elevator System is ready to be integrated into the building. They come complete with a fire protective drywall finish on the hoistway so the benefits and savings add up quick. One site manager actual found savings in excess of $30,000 per opening. Read the article here. We have been told by many school districts that the MEM Elevator System is often half the cost of doing an elevator conventionally.
Modular a Perfect Fit for DSA
Some of the dilemmas that conventional elevators have on DSA projects, are as follows:
- In an effort to breeze through the DSA plan check process, conventional elevators are typically over designed. OVER DESIGN = HIGHER PRICES.
- Conventional elevators hoistways, constructed from cinder block, require much greater support. Heavy structures potentially require grade beams and or caissons. HEAVY STRUCTURES = HIGHER PRICES.
- DSA typically requires conventional elevators to get a deferred approval, hence, everything related to the elevator is immediately set back. This includes contracting with the elevator contractor, shop drawings, design and engineering of the elevator, submission to DSA, DSA’s review, etc. etc. etc. Resolving the relationship between the elevator and the hoistway, and the hoistway and the pit, can hold up progress for weeks or months. DELAYS = HIGHER PRICES.
- The MEM System and structure is already engineered. Engineering time and expense can be avoided.
- The PC approved drawings can be slipped into your plan set saving the architect and project money. The PC takes away the challenge of approval and the DSA process becomes easier and smoother as intended.
The MEM Elevator System
The MEM system installed by TLShield is a cost and time saving for DSA projects. The hoistway is constructed out of tubular structural steel, resulting in a lighter structure, in turn resulting in, smaller, concrete pits. It is pre-engineered and designed with a DSA PC (Pre-Check) approval.
The design process all but disappears. It is as simple as taking a set of MEM Elevator System PC drawings and attaching them to any set of architectural drawings. Having DSA PC approval means architectural, engineering, and DSA review time is reduced, avoiding the deferred approval process. Also, because we are a California based company with DSA approval it results in freight savings, and significantly lower DSA related in plant inspection fees to the owner.
Bottom line. Elevators don’t have to be the Achilles heel of a construction project and the longest critical path. With appropriate coordination, and with a minimum amount of effort, an elevator can be completed faster and with fewer headaches. To find out more click the button for a brochure for your review and consideration. Or if you have a project in mind, schedule a consultation where we can provide a thumbnail number and more information.