Russ Ward

Flexibility Architects Deserve

“Can we get entrances at the front and side of an elevator?” was the question. Ask this question and you will get one of two answers from most elevator manufacturers… “No” or “Yes, but it’s going to be very expensive”. Unfortunately, due to the design integrity, elevator proximity and building layout a corner post elevator was a must. Yet no one offered the flexibility architects deserve and need.

Until the builder suggested they contact Modular Elevator Manufacturing. The architect explained what was required and the elevator design got underway. You can see the modular elevator in the above video first making an appearance at about the 1:53 mark. It is the tall rectangular box that is covered in a white protective shrink wrap. You may be thinking “it doesn’t look like an engineering marvel”. The Project Foreman was thinking the same thing since the elevator crew was done setting the elevator so quickly. But, under that shrink wrap is a complete, ready to run, commercial elevator with front and side entrances. To an elevator aficionado, an engineering marvel…to this project team…a “problem solved”.

Problem Solved

We get to hear “problem solved” a lot at Modular Elevator Manufacturing. Henry Ford said: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Even though, for the most part, we build a box we are not afraid to think outside of it.

We take a lot of pride in the fact that we are often called upon to be the solution. Here are a few examples of projects where we have been asked to provide unique solutions to project challenges. In each situation we worked with the architect, general contractor and building owners or investors closely.

MEM Project References

Each of the jobs listed on the MEM Project Reference Sheet are unique and they all presented their own challenges. Many multi-story projects do. Creating and designing them takes significant effort. Then moving them from concept to finished job takes a team that understands the stresses.

Because we have a long track record of success and decades of experience in the elevator/building trades we know the pressure points. That means we can help lift many of the burdens that traditional elevator companies seem to ignore.

We hope that you appreciate our efforts by recognizing that the flexibility architects deserve, should be built into every job.

Can You Repeat That?

That does not mean that everything we do is a stand-alone effort with a singular use. We will custom engineer elevators to meet a specific need, but more commonly our elevators are used repetitively across a common building design. Specifically in multi-family units or hotel designs that are replicated, we are a perfect solution. If you know your total travel, basic footprint and traffic needs we can put together a repeatable package specifically for you. We can even duplex or bank elevators easily. Fast, easy placement is a snap and you can be assured that all your projects will have consistent finishes, floor plans and engineering built in.

Ready When You Are

But don’t think that you need to place an order for 100 elevators to take advantage of the true benefits of modular manufacturing. Keep in mind we are big supporters of the modular manufacturing industry! Our elevator are modular, but they can be used in either conventionally-built or modular applications. We know often the market dictates the timing of needs and other factors as well. The elevator is just one aspect of many that make a project work. Keeping all the balls in the air at once is a challenge.

That is why we provide flexibility when needing several elevators whether for multiple projects starting immediately or jobs that will be spaced by months or years. The bottom line is that we have consistency and a long track record you can trust and we will be ready when you are ready.


Flexibility architects deserve is not just a catch phrase or slogan for us. We provide that on every project we work on. Whether you order dozens of modular elevators over a decade or you have a specific problem that needs some out of the box thinking come to us for solutions. We are more than willing to listen, assess and provide the best elevator system for any low and mid-rise application. Modular Elevator Manufacturing – quality elevators taking you to a higher level.

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