Russ Ward

Elevator Installed On Your Schedule

An elevator installed on your schedule sounds impossible. However, “When would you like your elevator delivered?” is a question that more and more people are hearing.

Keep in mind we are not talking about crates of components and tools. Consequently, you won’t find them laying around to be cobbled together with our system. We are talking about an actual fully installed elevator and hoistway craned into place. It is not magic (although it is magical to watch), but a reality with the MEM elevator system.

The benefits of our system are easy to understand:

  • The MEM elevator system can be used as a construction elevator.
  • Our modular elevator keeps the job running in sequence without call backs. The doors and frames come installed in the hoistway.
  • Our modular elevator reduces general conditions costs because the job is closed out faster.
  • Modular elevators produce faster occupancy as there is no waiting for the elevator to open the building.
  • With modular, no storage issues occur on the jobsite. It arrives fully installed.
  • Modular means fewer people are on your jobsite. The total time the elevator crew is there is about a week.
  • Our modular elevators produce less liability for items needed to install a traditional elevator.
  • It is greener with a smaller carbon footprint, more recycling and exact materials needed.
  • With modular there is no chance of the hoistway being out of plumb.
  • Broken and lost parts never slow installation and add weeks.
  • The MEM elevator system never prevents installation due to bad weather. The installation takes place in a factory.

How It Works

The benefits are all made possible because the hoistway is manufactured. All of the components then are installed in an assembly line fashion. That includes all the wiring, doors, elevator components and hall calls.

Quality modular elevators you deserve

Then the elevator can be set in place, avoiding any possible delays. This also cuts the timeline for the entire project. You can see the difference in the chart below. Compare the timelines between the traditional elevator process in gray and the superior MEM elevator process in gold.

Elevator Installed on your time schedule.

That means an overall savings, but most importantly it takes the elevator off the critical path giving you the freedom to choose when it will be set as a fully installed unit. Your elevator can be put in place in less than four hours.

The MEM elevator system also produces a higher-quality elevators due to the factory production. It allows for consistent quality control and inspections. The result is an improved process that is simply faster, greener and smarter.

Join the Revolution

Lastly, old-fashioned elevator companies haven’t changed their process since the Civil War no kidding! It is that outdated, dangerous and often causes costly construction delays.

Sunrise elevator, beautiful shot of our product.

Our system has been revolutionizing the elevator industry for over 20 years with a success rate of 100% and hundreds of units in operation. Now an educational facility, commercial property, medical facility, parking garage or housing unit can have a fully installed commercial quality elevator delivered when it is wanted. Anywhere you can put a traditional elevator, you can place an MEM.

As a result, if you are the least bit curious about our elevators and have a low to mid-rise project in mind, click the Fast Track button for a thumbnail budget number. Additionally, if you want to explore more, schedule a Live Virtual Tour of our facility. We will show you how we manufacture a high-quality elevator that sets in four hours and starts up in a week.

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2 thoughts on “Elevator Installed On Your Schedule

  1. Daniel Elite Elevators

    Thanks for sharing very useful information in this article, Excellent, I really like all the points you made, but this article is giving an in-depth explanation about Elevators, You Nailed It. Thanks for writing!!

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