Russ Ward

Home and Business Vertical Transportation Specialists

Home and Business – Vertical Transportation Specialists. Many times people will ask, what makes TL Shield and Associates different from all the other companies selling elevators, lifts and dumbwaiters. The answer is simple. We are vertical transportation specialists. That means that we produce, install, maintain, and repair any and all means of vertical conveyance and we have done so professionally for decades. We are specialists. Further, when you talk with us about your needs we are not relegated to selling just a single product. We listen and the provide a solution.

Maybe your project needs a residential elevator or a wheel chairlift, but your problem is better solved with a commercial elevator. We can analyze your needs and find the best solution for you because we offer all types of vertical transportation starting with home elevators.

Home Elevators

TL Shield and Associates has been manufacturing and installing residential elevators for decades and we are proud of our track record. We offer the only Southern California manufactured home elevator system. They include the TLS Classic, TLS Plus+, and TLS Premium models. They are priced and have features for for every home.

Our residential elevator line was created for the homeowner, general contractors, architects, designers and developers. We keep up with technological changes and advances in the industry with each of our products containing the very best of the latest technology. You will find improvements in safety and performance setting the TLS line apart.

Just one sample of our new home or residential elevator line. This is the TLS Plus+ model.

Style is important when it comes to your home and our elevators reflect that.”

Also, when it comes to home elevators it is important to stay current with design options. These are more than just superficial hardware upgrades but new exciting materials that have been significantly improved to enhance performance and style. We make sure the packages we offer fit in seamlessly with modern fresh designs. Our latest choices in finishes and accessories ensures that your elevator will enhance the home for years to come. Style is important when it comes to your home and our elevators reflect that desire for superior looks and style.

Wheelchair Lifts

Wheelchair lifts are essential in the world today. Mobility is for everyone and we provide a full line of both commercial and in home options that will make life easier. They are also designed to keep your business in full compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.

When it comes to the options, you need someone you can trust with a long record of success and knowledge. We are able to guide you professionally through the process by understanding traffic patterns and features that are needed to enhance performance and reliability.

We believe in dependability and quality and that is what you will get with our wheelchair lift options.


Dumbwaiters are often the unsung heroes of businesses and homes when it comes to vertical transportation. Often times the need is not to move people but things and we offer several options and sizes to consider. In the home maybe your concern is more about laundry or groceries. In a business laundry may also be a concern, but moving food, or stock for several floors can also be a challenge. Back breaking labor can be saved with the right lift in place. We can help move up and down the things you don’t want to carry or can’t.

Other Products

The above products are probably where most home elevator companies stop. Some probably don’t even provide a full slate of those products. This limits your options, but also it limits the knowledge base and expertise of the elevator company in question. In addition to residential elevators, wheelchair lifts, stairlifts and dumbwaiters, we provide commercial products as well.

The Invisible Lift is a wheelchair lift specifically designed for courtroom interiors. It can raise those in wheelchairs to the appropriate level in the witness box, jury box or for judges.

We also produce with our sister company the MEM Elevator System. It is a commercial quality modular elevator that is delivered when you need it and then gets lowered in to place in a couple hours. This saves time and moves the elevator off the critical path. It reduces headaches and simplifies the entire project as it can be used as a construction elevator as well as a passenger elevator.

Lastly, we provide maintenance and servicing of commercial elevators and wheelchair lifts as well as all home product regardless of manufacturer.

We Are Experts

As a result of the various types of vertical transportation we offer and our decades of experience we can serve you better than any other company in Southern California. We can and will assess you needs whether you are in the building trades or a homeowner looking for options. Then we will make recommendations that will meet you needs best and be the solution for your specific project.

If you want to get started to day just click one of the links below. We will answer your questions, schedule a consultation or provide basic pricing. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


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