Giving those in wheelchairs equitable access in courtrooms was a challenge for years. Then TL Shield developed the Invisible Lift (TM). This custom-built product raises the user to the appropriate height and when not in use disappears into the floor.
This means with our product you are able to maintain the decorum, site lines and provide true equivalency. Although this amazing product is designed for courtroom applications, you can use it anywhere a hidden lift can be utilized.
Innovative Accessibility
This TL Shield innovation can be used where aesthetic and architectural considerations are of primary importance as well as superior lifting ability. It is by far the best way to add handicapped access to a witness stand or judge’s bench.
The Invisible Lift (TM) is a solution that will help bring buildings and courtrooms into ADA compliance. It is an economical alternative to standard wheelchair lifts.
Our unique product is installed in hundreds of Local, State, and Federal courtrooms nationwide. Please schedule a consultation to see if Invisible Lift (TM) is the right option you and your building project. Our vertical transportation specialists will work with you to make your building more accessible and inclusive.
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