Modular elevator complete! Another great project is complete and up and running. This is just an example of the flexibility that you can have with modular elevators.
We loved working with the team to have another elevator set in less than four hours and up and running in less than a week. Great job to the architect and the GC.
Also, thank you MEM team! Everyday you prove you are the best. Modular Elevator Manufacturing – quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
If you want your own elevator to accent your project that will save you time and general costs on your next project click below and get started. We promise to respond quickly with a Fast Track budget number. Keep in mind that the budget number includes the hoistway that is dropped into place. Many folks forget that the elevator comes preinstalled inside the actual steel hoistway wrapped in a mold resistant and fire resistant drywall.
Also remember that the entire elevator and all of the components are already inside. That is why the set process in the picture takes a couple hours and the startup only takes a couple of days. It really is the best system for low and mid-rise applications.
Our product comes with the elevator pre-installed in the hoistway. It arrives as a unit lowered into place in less than four hours. However, sometimes there is confusion over what is included when you go with an MEM elevator. Below find out all the surprising components that come with our elevators and see photos of our latest project.
Affordable housing is of course a great fit for Modular Elevator Manufacturing. MEM elevators are a huge time saver, greener and the highest-quality modular elevator available, engineered from our elevator experts. But, everyone already knows that, what is sometimes missing is what is included in the elevator.
So you can see what comes with an MEM elevator this month we dive deeper into the colorful and cutting-edge Navi G8 project that has just been completed. So look at the photos and read on to see what you get with your MEM, the best solution for all low and mid rise projects.
One of the big things you get is flexibility. The elevator in this case is inside the building. You have the flexibility of placement inside or out, as you can see from the various photographs. Never be confused, MEM elevators can be placed nearly anywhere in your structure.
Flexibility also means either new construction or retrofit is no problem. This project was new construction and modular as well. But that does not mean all our projects are new and modular. We also provide retrofit solutions. We have a high-quality commercial elevator for almost any type of structure.
Lastly, you decide when they are placed. Talk about flexibility!
You just have to supply the pit according to the drawings, necessary stub ups and a crane. We do the rest.
As you can see by the photos our pre-installed elevator looks just like a conventional elevator. That’s because it is. MEM elevators are conventional elevators installed unconventionally. But, the one component that I didn’t mention is that we are true elevator experts. So with every elevator we produce comes experience second to none.
That experience cuts time off the project and makes the planning to final start up easy for you and your staff. That provides an overall cost savings.
To find how we can be a solution for you, click the button below for a live virtual tour where you can see the components going into place. You can also request a Fast Track number. So, try us out and put us to work for you. MEM – Quality Elevators taking you to a higher level.
6 Reasons Quality Matters – I have heard the phrase turned in a number of ways. “Close enough for horseshoes.” or “Close enough for hand grenades.” Another variant is, “Close enough for government work.” A friend of mine that worked at the local street department was very fond of that iteration. The quote then at some point got escalated to “Close enough for an atom bomb.”
As the old saw morphed, it went from basically a philosophy of, it is okay to be just good enough to beat the competition (in horseshoes) to, “Hey let’s try just hard enough to be in the same ballpark.” What that kind of thinking neglects is that (pre-Covid) there are a lot of different folks in the same ballpark (peanut venders to highly-skilled athletes) and each comes with specific qualifications and levels of accomplishment depending on the job. So, just being in the same general location skill-wise is meaningless.
Likewise, being in the general location regarding quality or “close enough” is not good enough either. Especially if your “close enough” is being compared to the blast radius of an A-bomb. That encompasses too wide a comparison where low-quality and high-quality are basically looked at as the same. To do a comparison like that is a huge blunder.
And who better to consult on quality than the guy who was actually in charge of quality control for nuclear weapons, Phil Crosby. “Close enough” in that line of work would mean a catastrophic disaster and he knew it, so quality was crucial.
Phil Crosby’s life was a life consumed with quality from his first job as a test technician to overseeing the production of the Pershing II Missile program. As the senior quality engineer he developed and implemented a Zero Defect policy. In that policy the idea of just getting by was rejected and perfection was put in its place. The policy he created produced a 25 percent reduction in the overall rejection rate and a stunning 30 percent reduction in scrap costs.
He was keenly aware that quality was not just a word to plaster on a website with a sly wink from the marketing guy, but needed to be deeply engrained into every aspect of the very culture of the business or organization from top to bottom. He said:
“Quality is the result of a carefully constructed cultural environment. It has to be the fabric of the organization, not part of the fabric.”
Phil Crosby
He knew catchy posters about quality placed in bathroom stalls or reward programs would not be good enough to produce true quality. They can be important reminders and incentives, but will never replace a cultural commitment. It has to be a top-down effort and philosophy emanating from senior leadership and permeating the organization at every level. Quality is crucial and should matter that much at every business. It does at Modular Elevator Manufacturing where we take quality seriously.
Here are the top 6 reasons quality matters for us at MEM. There are probably more but these came to mind:
The entire premise of modular construction is that by instilling factory processes into the construction trade, the industry can produce a higher level of quality, faster and often at a reduced cost. That is what we do at MEM day in and day out. However, when slipshod practices and lack of experience infiltrate the market, quality declines. Then the premise of factory production being better comes under attack.
Whether due to ignorance, no experience or a desire to make a fast buck, when quality is ignored the reputation of the industry gets sullied. The result is a better process that produces a better product (safer, greener and faster) becomes more difficult for the consumer to accept. Who knows how many dollars, how much time and how much energy has been wasted. How many injuries could have been avoided? All due to a very small number of businesses that do not see quality as important.
That is why at MEM we do not think “close enough” is good enough. We know that low-quality has a cost to the industry, the customer and to safety. We strive for quality in all we do. Whether you need a multi-family unit elevator or one for a medical facility, an elevator for a retrofit project or new construction we provide a quality solution.
If you have tried modular elevators before and found that the quality was not as promised and it ultimately cost you more than you were told, don’t give up. Instead give MEM a try. We live by the above list of 6 reasons quality matters. You will not be sold a bill of goods for a fast buck, but instead you will find a partner providing quality you can count on.
If you have a project in mind just click the button below, we can get you budget numbers in less than a day. Of course you can also call us anytime, and have a real conversation with an expert in the elevator industry. We are looking forward to talking to you.
Elevator at Sunrise. Pride can be a negative. It can blind you to reality as you puff yourself up. But, on the other hand it is uplifting to see the hard work by so many at Modular Elevator Manufacturing pictured this morning in all its glory. When this was taken…there was pride in the product, the concept, the design and those that provide the best possible option for all low and mid-rise application. Maybe corny, but true. Goosebumps you bet!
Thank you MEM team! Everyday you prove you are the best. Modular Elevator Manufacturing – quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
If you want your own elevator at sunrise experience and a cost and time saving picture like this on your next project click below and get started. We promise to respond quickly with a Fast Track budget number. Keep in mind that the budget number includes the hoistway that is dropped into place. Many folks forget that the elevator comes preinstalled inside the actual steel hoistway wrapped in a mold resistant and fire resistant drywall.
Also remember that the entire elevator and all of the components are already inside. That is why the set process in the picture takes a couple hours and the startup only takes a couple of days. It really is the best system for low and mid-rise applications.
There is an old adage especially used in politics to not punch down, especially when it comes to an adversary. You end up making yourself look as small as the competition. I generally stick to that piece of advice. But, then you run into a problem. If the purpose of this blog is to truly educate the public then comparing modular elevators, one company to the others must be done.
Especially when there is such a disparity between the various manufacturers conclusions must be drawn. So I am going to stick with facts as best I can as they are and let you, the consumer draw the conclusions. By the end we will answer the question, who has the best solution for low and mid-rise vertical transportation.
When comparing modular elevators we should have a reasonable and largely unbiased way to make the examination. As stated in a previous post, it really can’t be about the elevator components themselves as they are generally the same in all elevators. We however can compare items manufactured by the companies, the experience that each brings to the table and overall quality.
Let’s begin with items that are not bought from another source but manufactured by the modular elevator companies themselves. Those are in general terms the hoistway and the elevator cab. Often the platform and sling are also manufactured and a few ancillary parts such as hydraulic tanks can be produced as well, but for this article’s purposes let’s stick with the two most crucial and identifiable items the hoistway and cab.
At first blush one would think there is little to compare after all modular hoistways are very similar. In most cases tough 4X4 steel tubing is used for the structure and it is wrapped in drywall. Either one layer is used inside and out or to increase the overall fire rating a second layer can be added. But, when you dig deeper a different picture emerges. First, the sheetrock or drywall used is much different company to company. As modular elevators are by design intended to be put in at anytime during the construction process, it is not unusual for the hoistway produced to sit while other construction is going on around the shaft.
That means that in some locations and with no power for climate control, mold and mildew can pop up inside the shaft especially in more humid areas of North America. One company, Modular Elevator Manufacturing (MEM) provides mold resistant drywall inside and out standard. That mitigates this issue. There is no up charge or hidden cost. The pricing and what is provided is clear and part of any cost estimate. Other companies do not provide mold resistant drywall standard inside and out and that can lead to ecological problems you don’t want to face.
Secondarily, the layout of the hoistway steel is dramatically different one company to the next. Experience has taught the engineers that work with MEM, elevator technicians and high-skilled production workers the value of making improvements to the design. They have been making them methodically over a longer period of time than the competitors as a company. There is no jerry-rigging job to job, but consistent, studied, planned and approved improvements. With MEM your project will never be an experiment in problem solving, but a finished product that has been consistently improved over time.
Due to MEM experience, improvement to the stability and longevity have been built in.
If you thought there is a difference in the hoistway, the real difference shows up in the elevator cab construction. That is because MEM is the only modular elevator company that produces their own Galvaneal cab. Galvaneal is the preferred material for professional construction and commercial quality elevator cabs in most cases. It is tough, durable, sustainable and the industry standard.
However, if cheap and potentially flimsy are your goals you can find companies that make their cabs out of particle board; but watch out! If you have ever owned cheap particle board furniture you know what happens when it gets wet. It tends to mold, swell or crumble (or sometimes all three). You will never have that problem with an MEM cab. Also, if the specs call for a metal cab, MEM is the solution that can meet your needs best. A word of warning, sometimes a bid from a company can contain a wooden cab despite a metal one being called out in the specs. This can be a common deception. Always be clear about what you are getting before you buy.
If the company does not make Galvaneal cabs, they often have to buy a cab from another company and then shoehorn it into the hoistway. This obviously drives up the cost. A secondary issue is that if they are buying a cab from an outside company the cab in question may have trouble fitting properly on the rails creating a poorly moving or loud elevator ride.
See, modular is by design produced in a factory setting with specific jigs and templates. Buying a major component like a cab can be problematic if produced outside of the factory. This is due to the outside cab company not use the same jigs and templates as the modular company. This can create a sometimes sloppy and unacceptable fit.
The need for experience can never be overstated and having neophytes making or selling you an elevator is potentially an enormous mistake. Elevators, need I remind people, are serious. They are costly, have thousands of parts and if they are improperly built they can be dangerous to the riding public. They are the largest and most complex moving object in a building. Knowing next to nothing about elevators, but then selling them anyway is not cute or adorable. It can be a hazard that can cost time, money and potentially cause injuries. But, that is exactly what you can get if you choose to call the wrong modular elevator company for a bid or project.
Feel free to check out MEM. It is more that encouraged because MEM has decades of actual experience from top to bottom in the organization. There are many experienced and licensed professionals that will help you through the buying process to setting and installing.
If you are doing your homework you know that some modular companies have limited experience in the area of sales and manufacturing elevators. Factually, one modular company routinely touts 20 years of experience, even on their website. Just a little research shows this to not be completely true. The company in question is reported to have produced its first elevator in 2011. That is a far cry from decades of experience, but is representative of the candor you may find when looking for quality you can trust.
But, besides possibly telling tales out of school, what difference does it all that make anyway? In truth a big difference. Over the years, experience has taught MEM to make an easy to use template and supply anchor bolts as part of the package. This makes installing the elevator much easier, faster and within the engineering requirements. Experience:
Quality is sometimes hard to define and long-term in nature regarding elevators, but again experience is the guide. An elevator is a long-term investment in any building project so it only makes sense to use a company and product that has the longest track record of success. As MEM has been around longer and with a real commitment to quality. As a result, it makes sense to consider them first when comparing modular elevators.
One company has such low production values that elevators have shipped with significant quality issues even before they are installed. Hydraulic tank failure, poor attention to detail, wiring issues have all been reported numerous times from independent elevator technicians. And that is the tip of the iceberg, it is completely true that an elevator jack weighing several hundred pounds literally fell out of one of their hoistways when suspended above a building. Crazy, dangerous, true.
Some companies just don’t have the commitment to quality that MEM has. This can been seen regarding missing parts, poorly assembled components, damaged items in production and promises made but not kept.
We fight that kind of inconsistency and complacency in production and delivery so the whole modular industry won’t get a black eye. MEM has developed a check list to track issues before they show up on the job site not after. This way we know we are providing a great product to you before it ships. Truth, not punching down.
First, we all know that modular elevators are the future because they are the best choice for any low or mid-rise project new or retrofit. They have many advantages over conventional elevators and if you would like a fast review of those you can read more here. But you must be careful and smart when researching which modular company you should deal with. So keep in mind the following and look for a company that:
In other words look for Modular Elevator Manufacturing (MEM) the overwhelming choice for any low or mid-rise building project. If you want a no obligation assessment and quote just click the link below. It will ask a few questions so we can get started and you can start your path to a true quality commercial elevator.
“The elevator holds everything up!” that is a common complaint among those in the modular building industry. Modular companies are growing by leaps and bounds. However, finding a way to incorporate vertical transportation quickly and smoothly was always a sticking point.
It is true that modular building is the future. It just makes sense as it means a high-quality project completed in a greener and safer way. But one of the biggest selling points with modular is the speed in which the project can be completed. Typically when you place traditional construction on a timeline there are gaps. After the permits and financing is set, the ground has to be prepped. Then the foundation is poured and infrastructure for the building brought in. Months tick by.
Meanwhile, despite the project being totally ready to go, the building makes it no further. There it sits as plans on a drawing board until the site is completely ready. Modular takes all of the waiting out of the process. The building can begin as the site is being prepped. In that way when the location is ready, modular units are ready to be immediately swung into place. It is estimated that modular building can reduce time significantly. This is because construction of the modular components can occur simultaneously with the site and foundation work. This means projects can be completed 30% to 50% sooner than traditional construction.
The modular process does speed things up incredibly fast, but there has been a huge fly in the ointment. The elevator. Despite advances in modular building, the elevator was mired in old-fashioned construction practices. Or the companies that built modular elevators were so low in quality that headaches outweighed any benefits of speed. Dangerous product were even being distributed. A new nationwide solution had to be created for the modular industry.
The results is MEM and we are increasing distribution to the whole nation. Now from New York to California and Florida to Alaska there is a true quality solution. A solution that is reliable and fast to set and start up.
As an example, realizing the need for speed and quality, MEM was called on a multi-family housing unit. It was completed on time and on budget with quality elevators. The builder’s experience had dictated that a conventional elevator NEVER gets the elevator done on time. But, they called MEM and got a taste of what we can do. Now they will never go back to any other way.
Soon modular builders will start using MEM nationwide and the complaint about the elevator holding up the project will disappear. It will be just like the solution we provided above and there will be no turning back from the quality and speed we provide.
If you have a project in mind and you are ready to try out a modular elevator, click the link below and we can give you budget numbers in a day. To fill out the Fast Track quote we just need a little simple information to get you started on a fast – safe – quality solution.
When we say quality at Modular Elevator Manufacturing, it is not just empty words or a marketing ploy. We really mean it and we wished that everyone would take it as seriously as we do. Like you, we have heard the horror story from a project with a different company where, while the elevator was hovering over the building, an elevator jack literally fell out and plummeted into the pit. It could have killed someone.
The story is shocking and absolutely true. People were in danger. Beyond that when a company puts out a product so poorly built it not only potential can harm people on the job-site it can also harm the modular elevator industry and the modular industry as a whole. We all suffer the black-eye, when quality is not just suspect, but dangerous. But MEM is different and here’s how.
To start with MEM has just been at it longer. We didn’t just pop up out of no where with no construction or elevator experience. We have over 40 years in the building industry and a 20 year manufacturing track record of success and safety. We have never – never had anything like the scare of a 300 pound jack falling from the sky. Our installs go in smoothly because we have so much more experience.
MEM elevators are also engineered with safety in mind. Usually when you say safety and elevators you are talking about for the riding public and our elevators are very safe, never putting the general public at risk. But we have engineered our products so they are also safe to install as well. Part of the many pluses of the modular industry is that it means safety on the job-site. The heavy lifting and working in cramped quarters is moved to the factory with plenty of cranes and space on the factory floor. Plus there is no working at heights while the shaft is being built like in traditional construction. If huge elevator components are falling out of a hoistway that plus of job-site safety goes away.
With MEM we understand how important work site safety is and engineer that into each and every elevator we produce. It may take more effort, higher-grade materials and more care when building them, but MEM elevators are built for safety before, during and after the set and start up.
Lastly, we check every product we manufacture with our one-of-a-kind 10 Point Inspection by a certified elevator technician. Before the elevator is loaded on the truck, we make sure of the following:
Each of the above is a part of a process that produces consistent quality. If you are not careful you could pick the wrong modular company (the one where the jack fell out). Keep in mind that it is important that it is a certified elevator technician doing the checking and not just any old employee. We have multiple employees that are qualified and capable of checking everything out. We simply cannot vouch for what others are doing, but rest assured we do our best to make sure the elevator you get is the highest quality.
Lastly, we want to assure everyone that despite the most recent debacle, modular is the safest and best way to build. Whether you are considering the method for an entire building or wanting to retrofit an existing structure with a safe, fast installing modular elevator, reputable companies in the modular building industry are ready to build faster, greener and most importantly safer.
If you are curious about modular elevators and have a project in mind that you would like a quote for, click the button below. If you want to know more details about the accident that has caused such a stir, contact me at your convenience. I am always more than happy to explain why modular is the best solution and MEM is always quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
Project Photos – The video below shows just a few photos of some of the hundreds of projects MEM has completed. You will notice the wide variety of applications. MEM has tremendous design flexibility making it the best solution for low and mid-rise projects.
That is why we are quality elevators taking you to a higher level.
To find out more or to get a Fast Track Quote, click the button below.
When we say fastest installing elevator, that is exactly what we mean. Even 6-stop elevators can be set in a day. Often they are manufactured in stack-able sections that can be placed when the project calls for it.
When you use the fastest installing elevator for your project you are no longer hostage to the elevator and elevator industry. The elevator is a complete package consisting of the hoistway and all of the components already manufactured inside. It is placed when convenient to you and your team. This can lead to a reduced build timeline and cost savings.
Check out how you can get this elevator for your next project. Click Here!
Best Mid Rise Elevator Option. Sometimes when people hear about modular and modular elevators, they think that a high quality product is not possible. Nothing could be further from the truth.
With Modular Elevator Manufacturing you always get quality regardless of the type of structure and the amount of use. MEM elevators can be placed inside or outside any type of structure. Even high traffic areas are easy for MEM. The quality is built in from the 4×4 inch tube steel to non-proprietary, industry approved and tested components. These are high-quality commercial passenger elevators.
Just as important you don’t lose control of the jobsite. The elevator in installed in a factory and then set in place on the site when you want it delivered. Once it is set, it is then set up when power is available.
This is a new and better way to install an elevator. Faster, safer, greener and more cost effective.
MEM elevators install quickly. That will allow you to control the elevator part of your building project. It also take the elevator off the critical path. For all the above reasons, MEM is the best mid rise and low rise elevator on the market today.
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